Entenda melhor
Como funciona a locomotiva a vapor
A classificação das locomotivas a vapor
Sons de locomotivas
Um apito para cada situação
A balada de Casey Jones
China, 1987: a vapor!
As Pacific de Java
A fornalha Wootten
Mundo a vapor - Canela, RS
Steam Locomotive Simulator - Drive A Steam Locomotive... The program simulates
the thermodynamics of a steam locomotive, including the engine, boiler, and all major controls. It allows the user to "drive" a simulated locomotive
over a nominated route. Controls available include regulator, brake, cut-off, damper, injectors, blower, firing rate, sand, and water scoop. Gauge
information includes boiler pressure, water level, speed and superheat temperature. Over fill the boiler, let the fire go out, forget to open
the cylinder cocks, or exceed the speed limit, and your journey will come to an abrupt end.
Internal Fire - Ceredigion, Wales - Dedicated to the history of the Internal Combustion
The Antique Iron Webring - This webring is dedicated to all types of
Antique Iron collecting. It features, Antique Stationary Engines, Steam Engines, Antique Tractors and other related sites.